Monday, January 14, 2008

Ghana, Africa

Hey this is Liz, I have been in Africa for only two days now and already I am hooked on the culture. The dancing, music, singing and conversation seems so much more passionate then it does in the U.S. The belief system that the Ghanians have is so powerful that its contagious! Not that I am ready to go join a convent, but their undeniable belief in the power of God and the Holy Spirit is inspiring to take a second look at my own faith and the things that I do and do not value in life. One of the most inspiring things that I have heard while here, was said by a doctor/pilot who studies in the U.S. but visits his family in Ghana every few years, he said "My greatest joy in life is to see people alive." Something so simple, but yet so overlooked by many; this man also sees so much death being a doctor that he has an even greater appreciation for life, but instead of people thanking him for saving lives he thanks them for the strength they give him to keep on living. I think that is something that many of us forget; that we need each other to survive. So for now keep on appreciating each other and the lives of those around you for you never know when they will be gone!

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