Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Atlantic Ocean

On the east coast we all love the idea of walking on the beach-the Atlantic Ocean or the Chesapeake Bay. Today, I touched the Atlantic Ocean, more than 5,000 miles form the shores of America. I have come full circle from the shores my ancestors once walked. It is difficult to imagine their journey. As I sat on the stones of the shore I marveled at seeing what they saw and feeling at home.
I am told that I look like the Fonti people. That my manner is that of the Ashanti--I don't know what tribe's blood runs through my veins, I do know I feel Africa in my soul.
I am meeting Africans from all over the continent. I walked to today with my new son from Nigeria. He will return to his home tomorrow and I will remain another week. We both speak of how it is just not enough time to experience GHANA.

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